Satyen Ram


A very brief history of me

Cycling the Streets of London


I was born in a small country in South East Africa - Malawi. From early on, my strongest memories were of spending countless hours under the African sun, encountering snakes and insects.

I would often escape my Father’s maths lessons, by sneaking out the backdoor and climbing over the fence to spend time with my African neighbours.

When I was 7, my dad got in trouble with the then dictator of Malawi. We made a swift exit! We moved to the UK, and I became familiar with the cold plunge that was London weather.

I found a positive outlet for self-expression through creativity.

Just as Paul Klee described drawing as ‘Taking a line for a walk’, drawing took me on a path of my own. I excelled in Art & Design and Technology. I eventually ended up at Art School where I learned to foster my creative thoughts.

Becoming a famous artist didn’t work out and I found UX, UI and Tech. I finally had an outlet for both my inquisitive mind, and both sides of my brain - analytical and creative.

If you’d like to be part of my story, feel free to contact me.

Some of my work